PM Volunteers

The heart of PM

PM, officially registered with the region of Tuscany as an 'association for social promotion' (APS), is an organization founded on voluntary support, in order to maintain project costs as low as possible, and therefore access to activites as inclusive as possible, and at the same time in order to improve the spaces and instruments available for community music-making.

Voluntary support is highly appreciated and valued as the expression of the community's participation in the development of the resources which the  association can offer to everyone.

The work done voluntarily - which amounts annually to more than a third of the total hours employed in the project - is aticulated is terms of time, energy and actions in support of: 

  • Looking after our premises (spring-cleaning, preparations for events, maintenanc and repairs);
  • general community activity (logistic support, conviviality and catering);
  • administration (service on the Board of Directors, secretarial duties, computer support, documentation and archiving, development of the 'PM Centre Project');
  • didactic/artistic activities (general coordination and meetings, service on didactic committee, project direction, concert performances, exhibition setting-up, various workshops). 
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