
how we work together!

In the association (as in Life) we try to share the work to do with as little 'hierarchy' as possible, in the hope that each of us will feel like getting involved and taking repsonsability for what happens.

The Board of Directors (BD) is a legally required authortiy (unfortunately!), but it tries not to be directive! Meetings are open to all associates. The board members and president are elected by the associates' assembly every 3 years, with the mandate to follow up on all decisions taken at the Annual General Assembly.

The Administrative Staff work closely with the BD, the associates, the Didactic Committee, other work groups and PM's supporting accountant, for the smooth, timely and transparent running of all administrational aspects, including financial budgeting and accounting. Furthermore, they are responsible for all formal contacts with project partners and external stakeholders.

The Didactic Committee is formed voluntarily by teachers willing to dedicate time and energy to the definition and development of all formative and artistic aspects of the project. It meets regularly (on the 1st Tuesday of each month, for lunch!), nd is open to all teachers.

There is also an Information Window, open to associates and the public each Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:00.

The Teachers follow the development of the didactic principles established in the Plenary Meeting at the beginning of each school-year, with monitoring and intervision in January and June.

The biggest team of courses comprises all the associates, many of whom take part in voluntary support  groups to sustain many aspects of the project, such as conviviality, the PM Centre Project, maintenance of the premises and of equipment, and many other tasks essential to the project's smooth running.

You can join us any time you want!

Consiglio Direttivo


Staff Amministrativo

coordinamento didattico, front office, gestione progetti
si fa quel che c'è da fare