Making music is a universal right!
Music can help us to overcome social and expressive-communcative barriers!
Musicatoio welcomes all people of diverse abilities who wish to explore the world of music; our specialised staff are ready to plan customized pathways, if necessary starting from individualized clinical work, but always with a view to integration in one of our music groups, to make music with ohters in the community.
Musical structures and processes originate from our earliest and most profound human experience of vitality, and lay the foundations for our relational and communicative skills. Music pervades body and mind linking our sensorial perceptions with our emotions and our thoughts. Music therapy is therefore indicated in prevention, rehabilitation and care, within the contexts of physical and/or psychical suffering caused by organic, affective and/or social factors.
Our music therapy project is developed by a team o professionals coordinated by Deborah Parker in collaboration with the local educational, social and health authorities.